Wednesday, July 18, 2007

little island of thoughts

it is 10pm on a wednesday night.
two weeks ago, on the same exact wednesday night, i was still typing away at the dilapidated computer in my little cubby at work. time was scarce. i could not breathe properly. heck, i was actually crying - i didn't think i could last through the day, with the monstrous amount of work that needed to be sorted out and finished before the night was over.

such a drastic, drastic change of pace.
i miss waking up at 9am. i miss the long drives in the morning. i miss coming in at 11am. i miss ciggarette breaks with ben. i miss the maggie goreng at carlos. i miss going to l'oreal. i miss going to addaudio for recordings. i miss being able to stop by his place on my way home from work. i miss how he'd patiently sit, listen and help me do work. i miss the smell of his car. i miss playing with gondry. i miss my little apartment in ara damansara.

and it's only been 3 days.