Wednesday, September 12, 2007

the big orange of an apple

Honestly this entry has been long overdue. I just haven't exactly had the time to sit on my ass and actually write something, what more with only being able to leech on, unfortunately, to someone's unprotected wireless internet connection.

It has been a mind-boggling, over-exhausting three weeks of settling in, and getting myself orientated. In some ways or the other, I have been very, very fortunate. I live within the blanket permit area of NYU (Washington Square Village, wedged amidst SoHo, Chinatown and Greenwich Village, and it also means i get to shoot anywhere i please without having to go to the mayor's office for a permit). It's a 10 minute walk to school, 15 minutes away from St. Mark's (THE street in East Village) and just basically right smack in Manhattan where anything and everything is accessible. My studio apartment is massive, and apart from having to share it with someone i have just met two weeks ago, everything else is bearable. For now, at least.

I used to have these notions of how hard it would be to not have any Malaysian friends around - but surprisingly, Americans are easy people to get along with. Sure, I may not be able to participate in their lengthy discussions about the green, blue or yellow lines (subways) or go completely clueless when they mention 'Duane Reade' (it's a pharmacy chain, very much like Watsons and Guardian) they're generally very nice despite how very ignorant I may appear to be. And I remember how torn apart I was, trying to choose between staying with the job I very much loved back home and coming to film school... and when I finally got here, everyone else was pretty much on the same boat. And in some weird, unthinkable way, it was almost... comforting.

I still wake up in the mornings wondering where the hell I am, though. My heart aches for him and other loved ones back home. I miss him terribly, and I miss Gondry even more so.

But holding back, everything seems... ok.

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