Monday, December 17, 2007

winter break and whatnots.

School is officially out, and this is what I've been currently listening to. Not exactly what I would say indie, or imaginative, but it's decent... at the very most. With evaluations of my first NYU film falling somewhat short below expectations, the weekend ended in an almost drunken stupor: the awkward prom/potluck do in Brooklyn, the lavish dinner party in midtown Manhattan and 1st Year MOS Marathon (where everyone in the class screened their films).

Standing in the lounge after the screening yesterday after exchanging Secret Santa gifts, the moment sort of passed me in a blur - people laughing and talking and drinking and toasting and dear God has it really been 4 months?

I felt myself drowning almost, in an uncertain sea of mixed feelings, and complete oblivion. This
is the life I have subjected myself into, this is what it will look like in many, many years to come, should God permit me to live that long.


Four hours later I find myself walking idly along the isles of Morton Williams, picking out ice-cream and sour cream and onion rippled chips - feeling completely at ease and in peace. Strange how the most insignificant and overlooked upon event of my mundane life can become the source of comfort in this strangely alien city.

I really, really miss home.


But here's the bundle of white, furry joy that I'll have for the next three weeks. Her name is Baby, and she is as playful and as hyper as Gondry back home. But of course, Gondry is way cuter with his fat schmucky face and round pity-me eyes (with the exception of his incessant need to be fed at 5am every morning)

As the lead actress of my film would say, "besos!"

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