Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I showed my first rough assembly in editing class just now. I absolutely hate showing my work in class, because it's almost like hanging your dirty laundry out for everyone to see..

AGHHH BENCI OK. Especially when everyone sorts of have mixed reactions like, "Why are we watching this again?"




On one hand I can't wait to go home to go scuba diving (fingers crossed) and just lay on the beach to read, pig out at home, smother and bite Gondry and just do whatever, but on the other hand (if everything goes well, fingers also crossed) I can't wait to be crewing on this! I want my name on imdb already!!

Last Saturday was a blast!! I had my nearest and dearest over for tonnes of food, ice cream, pie (I didn't even take out my chocolate bread pudding because tak jadi.. sobs) and it was really fun, although getting up to go to Christina's (this undergrad I work with at the digital library) shoot was absolute hell, and what an impression I must've given her falling asleep between takes..

Hmm Gossip Girl is getting better, surprisingly!!

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Mohammad Khairi Hamzah said...
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