Monday, December 15, 2008


I have been up since 5am.
I have been up since 5am from two weeks ago.
So, you have absolutely NO right to belittle what I do.
You think you know how it works, but you don't.
You have no clue.

Try being on your feet 12 hours the most, with a 20 minute break in between.
Try carrying in heavy equipment in and out of buildings every single day.

I would be wasting my time trying to justify what I do, because you won't understand anyway.
So, WHATEVS to you!

Anyway. So Elena's shoot wrapped at 11.30am just now. After 7 days. So that's 14 non-stop working days. Deprived of sleep, I looked like crap, and with incomplete pre -production matters up to my eyeballs, SAG issues, no audition space, about every thing I need to prepare for my film closed for two weeks to make way for Christmas, my stoned location owner not replying calls or emails... I was really about to crack. Like, literally holding back tears.

The elevator door opens.
I'm really not in the mood to make contact with any other living breathing creatures (Psyang and Figaro excluded). But there he is, with a random classmate I can't be bothered to notice. He looks at me expectantly, and I walk in without nary a smile whatsoever. All my planned conversations fly out of the window, and I stand in a corner, two inches away from his lush Green Goblin back.

We get to the first floor. He turns to me, and says, "Go ahead" I put on a straight face and say my thanks without even looking at him.

I. Am. Such. A. Dumbass.
JFranc was smoking HOT and noticing me and all I could do was act like I was too cool for school?!??!?!!??!


Well at least he acknowledged my existence.
At least I DIDN'T SMELL. (because I rolled out of bed to set this morning wearing the same clothes I've been using for the past few days, BUT made time to go home, shower, have lunch and leave in time to miss Kim's meeting, haha)

back to mourningdom :(

Probably never :(


cranberry said...

dayumm!!!! aaaaaa jeles!!!!! jom lepak! btw, who's Figaro??

Shue said...

Can i get stuck with him in an elevator too??? Like, you know, stuck, stuck elevator, oh-my-god-it's-going-to-be-hours-before-security-comes kinda stuck???

pretty please?
