Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Hahah! Nampak cam blog baru tak? I'm using this color because it reminds me of waters in Perhentian. So sejuk and calming. Tak jadi pindah pun, if I do move blogs I will let all of you know... so don't worry!!

Bencilah, datang je the weather is sweltering HOT. It's hotter than Malaysia ok. It's like 35 darjah celcius sekarang, and I don't have AC. My roommate gave me another fan, so now I have two fans blasting in my room, but still I'm practically melting with all this dry heat. It's supposed to rain Thursday and Friday and towards the weekend, so I'm definitely looking forward to that.

My flight was horrendous, save for the amazing bibimbap!!! Severe turbulence, and bayangkanlah from 13 hours because of the turbulence jadi 15 hours. Thank goodness that I got an aisle seat on both flights (KL-Incheon, Seoul-JFK) but unfortunately for me I had an annoying woman sitting next to me in the 15 hour flight, who took frequent bathroom breaks and would just tap me harshly to wake me up so I would make way for her. Grrrrreram.

I've been waking up and hoping that I am still back home!! :( Sad ok.
I haven't had the energy to go grocery shopping or pick up my cat, maybe later... work starts early Thursday morning pulak tu. Haishhhhh. And I'm sick, with a runny nose and bad sore throat in this HEAT! How can this possibly happen!!?? (and then he has the nerve to say, "you tau tak, orang kat Sahara desert tu pun dapat cold.. ni kan New York.") OK FINEEEE.

OK too much complaining. Other than that I had few amazing weeks back in Malaysia, and I am certainly looking forward to going home for good!!!

OVER AND OUT people.
Nanti lah malam-malam sikit maybe I will be more coherent. Panas ok. (PS/neraka lagi panas. ye saye tahu! :-S)

1 comment:

cranberry said...

diggin' your new 'look'! ;) if you're excited to come home for good, I'm more than excited to be seeing you again, InsyaAllah..Take care ya!