Thursday, September 16, 2010


OK.. first up, Selamat Hari Raya everyone!

Sorry, I'm like a week late... well just because mine was a rather subdued affair, as always. Went to the Consulate for some sorry excuse of a raya spread, then to watch The Last Exorcism with Ummi, Nadrah and Nadi... which was the more enjoyable part of the day!

Other than that, the week has flown by so swiftly! I had auditions, made my target goal on kickstarter (thank you friends!! *hearts*) and am finally super close to script locking...!! Now, opportunity has presented itself in two ways - should I go to Cleveland next week to meet my favorite PR contestant Valerie?! Or, do I stay and not spend any money and work on my thesis?
Decisions! Decisions!


By the by, I have started working. This picture is of the child that I take care of from 3.30pm to 6.30pm every day. It's not too bad, because I get to decide what we get to do. So far we've hung out at the Waterfront Plaza near her school (overlooking the East River) walked around the West Village and had Pink Berry, and yesterday we hung out at Highline for some pumpkin spiced doughnuts with cream cheese icing... so it's all good. Not too bad for a job that doesn't pay my rent! Haha!

So there was a tornado which I was totally unaware of!! I had my back leaned against my window watching ANTM and felt the walls shaking and thought it was just a heavy downpour or storm... and then realized it was a tornado!!! My neighbourhood got damaged pretty bad but I'm glad I made it back to Brooklyn before the tornado tore through New York!!! Crazy!!!

Ugh, this is a random, random post. Mostly because there's just way too much stuff that I have to get done before I can go rock-hunting! Ah!! Can't wait for the month/Oct/November to end. Like, seriously.

OK. Over and out.

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