Tuesday, January 08, 2008

apprehensions 2.

With all the free time that I have on my hands now, I have ample time to actually go to the gym in dire hopes of working out (since I am getting older and in need of some physical stamina... and also due to my better half's constant persuasion of, "you can't be 50 and then suddenly want to run!")

But anyways, I beg to digress. After my short 30 minute run/walk on the threadmill, I ran into a near-shock-pengsan almost experience while in women's locker room to get my (new and cheap, thanks to Filene's Basement) gym bag and saw a mass of (pubic) crowning glory belonging to one lucky lady.

Of course, I didn't stare, but it was so odd. I'd never been around another (stark) naked woman in my life, what more to have my first encounter with an (American) stranger. So taken back was I, that I forgot where the exit from the locker room was. Sheesh.

Other than that, I have absolutely no progress on my documentary (in which I am already a sizzling piece of meat by now). 12 more days to class!! (that also means 12 more days to turning a year older, SOB)

OK! Back to researching interesting characters of Gotham City!

PS/ Across The Universe bored me out of my socks. Once, despite its raw and gritty lo-finess floored me instaneously. The exhaustingly gratifying There Will Be Blood had me in a slight yawn (oil and Daniel Day Lewis? Ermmm...maybe not). Adaptation? Charlie Kaufman is a downright genius, and to throw in the the formulaic Robert McKee (Hollywood screenwriting so- called 'guru') in it was an indefinite scream. Netflix rocks!

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