Sunday, January 13, 2008


Which is exactly what my week has been!
Of course it had to start with anxiety attacks on Monday, since I was still stuck in a rut on deciding the subject matter for my 5 minute documentary.. I mean I had a couple of ideas, but none of which were good or interesting enough. I had contemplated over psychics.. since there is a smattering bunch of them around the city (more like one in almost every other block) West Village Psychic, SoHo Psychic, East Village Psychic.. OK so I finally went to one and paid USD10 for a 5 minute palm read (and she was so boring and generic... "You're going to have a long, prosperous life with two strong children!") so that totally killed my intentions of making them my subject matter!!

But on Friday I MET MICHEL GONDRY and what an AMAZING FANTASTIC experience that was. The man is not only a pure brilliant genius but also funny and eccentric, so I absolutely cannot wait for his new film, Be Kind Rewind. There's Jack Black and Mos Def in it, and it's premiering in Sundance before it opens in cinemas this February!!! Cannot. WAITTTTTT!

Hmmm I seem to be ending my sentences with a lot of exclamation marks!!! This is what I get from not reading or writing much anymore!!!!!

Anyway I just got back from watching KT Tunstall live at the Apple Store in SoHo and boy, she sounds really good live. As good as she does in her records, I might say!! And she sang most songs from her old album, which I love so much (and I'm really honestly not into girl-guitarist-singers) because mmm well because it makes me remember a period of my life last year.. and a couple of other songs from Drastic Fantastic which I don't really like because it's too pop!!!

MMMMM OK I seem to be rambling, but whatever. Last night we had a really stupid fight about something I wrote on his facebook wall. It makes me so mad that he's embarrassed about something so silly and mindlessly innocent!! Like why the hell should he even care (but he does) so I hung up the phone on him out of spite (seems that I've been doing that a lot lately)

ERGHHHHHHHH of course we made up but still it makes me really angry whenever I think about it.

"You're so complicated!"
Well NOW you know!

Other than that, HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY to my BFF EIDA!!! May this year bring more happiness, love, success and a paid round-trip to UK.

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