Thursday, October 09, 2008

Bad, happy everything day lah.

The cat that's been taking over my bed, the pretentious book I try to read on the L, the caramel coated popcorn and peanuts I'm semi-obsessed with (that, and sushi).

Turned up at Abel Cinetech in the W Village for a camera test that's scheduled next week (I AM SUCH A DOOFUS), tripped on my way to school, and now I'm probably not sleeping until tomorrow morning because I haven't rewritten my script to workshop in class tomorrow.



"I just wanna eat, sleep and have sex." - Kim (on the way to Union Square)

OK bai.
PS/ I know it's you Kat! :P I nak sangat almond bubble tea :( But I don't have the time :( Esok I kelas 10-10!!! :( :( :(

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