Saturday, October 04, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya!

Selamat (Belated) Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin!

Ugh, I've been terrible. I didn't wish any of you pun... Sorry!!! Honestly, I didn't have the time... I've also been down with the flu, and missed two whole days of classes... (which I've never, hardly, ever done) But, this year I made sure I went to the CG so I'd have a chance at the raya spread of food (and photo op) joy...

Other than that, I have been depressed with the goings on of pre-production, and classes. I'm tired! I feel like I can't be bothered anymore. All I want to do is just lay in bed and watch one tv series after the other.

But I am loving my (new) leather boots, camera tests, hanging out with M & C (all though their constant fighting is starting to get on my NERVES!!!) and super attentive, super sweet boyfriend.

Oh, and everyone, please watch 8tv's Ghost. Is Ng Ping Ho a genius, or is he a GENIUS!??! (mad props to the scriptwriter!) It was like, curveballs flying all around. Stayed up til 4am just to finish watching the entire series!! IT'S SO SUPER! AND IT'S MALAYSIAN!!! (thank you, dzof!) :)

OK enough rambling. Tomorrow I shoot my rape scene with M & C!!
MWAHS people. Enjoy rendang while you still can!

PS/ I really do have to stop sounding like a bumbling idiot when I write.


Dzof said...

Ghost is made by Popiah Pictures, and the producer/director is Ng Ping Ho (e.g. Kopitiam, Getting Together, Realiti).

Bernard Chauly does stuff with Red Comm (Gol and Gincu, Goda).

cranberry said...

kan dah cakap Ghost best! ;)